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Answered: Libel

Libel is the publication of false info about someone that hurts that person's reputation.

Question | Libel

Could a person or a newspaper get sued for defamation for posting the name of a possible suspect of a robbery?

Could a person or a newspaper get sued for defamation for posting the name of a possible suspect of a robbery?

See our response
Question | Libel

Could our student newspaper get in trouble for comments that other people leave on our online articles?

Could our student newspaper get in trouble for comments that other people leave on our online articles?

See our response
Question | Libel

Can I get in trouble for making fun of someone or saying mean things about them online?

Libel is a word used to describe written defamatory speech. Defamatory speech harms a person’s reputation, their social connections with family, friends, or employers, or their ability to work or make a living. 

See our response